Tuesday, March 13, 2007


It's been a while. It started with the fiasco that was called Edgy Eft. In summary, I tried upgrading. I overlooked the fact that the upgrade process had issues with screensavers. In the middle of upgrade, the screensaver kicked in. Since aptitude was working on everything in the background, it overwrote (?) usernames and passwords. I had a partially-upgraded box with no way to unlock the 'saver. Reboot.

Then *poof!* No more OS. I had an unrescuable (well, it was rescuable, if I could put in may 2+ hours of work tracing dependencies) box. Easy, right? Just backup everything and install from scratch. So I did. I put everything on a CD via SLAX and got an Edgy Eft ISO burned.

Reboot, check CD for defects. Error encountered. Wha?!

Burn new CD. Check for defects on origin computer. Boot in laptop. Install in text mode. Error encountered.

I think I wasted 5 CDs of good copies. Damn computer wouldn't work with them.

Tried Fedora Core 4 (oh, the horror!). Burned ok. Installed on laptop. Error encountered.

Dammit! Fine. Let's see if the WindowsME recover disk (which came with the laptop) works.

Install ... ok.


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